Hi! I am Hao En Lu.

I come from Taiwan and I'm currently a MS student studying Computer Science at Case Western Reserve University. I am interesting in Machine Learning, Software development, and Game Design. I am also enthusiastic about Phsycology and Neuroscience.

Blog Posts


Unity based 3d Zoo simulation game developed for cerabral palsy children to exercise their motor skills in a toy car

Unity C# Game-Design

Tutorial for Deploying LineBot to Heroku

A tutorial for deploying simple Line bot with flask framework to Heroku

LineBot Heroku Flask Python

Dall.E 2 LineBot

A Line chatbot using OpenAI Dall.E 2 to generate images. Use the QR code to add the Linebot as friend.

Dall.E Line Heroku

Logic Puzzle Solving Robot

A web-based natural language puzzle-solving robot with speech recognition and interaction

SpeechRecognition Logic OWL ACE

Handwriting digit detection

A real-time handwriting digit detection with Pygame

MachineLearning Pygame

Chess game

A simple chess game with pygame

Python Pygame Chess

Face Tracker

A real-time face tracking device using OpenCV with TensorFlow.

MachineLearning Python OpenCV