Pathway Reflection

Pathway Reflection


GMU INTO master pathway program has taught me a lot about the American culture and how to succeed in Academic. In my program, there are 5 courses, including english grammar, research-base study, university culture, mathematical foundation of computer science, and computer system and system programming. Not only do they help me enhance my english, they also provide insight of the academic environment in America. These knowledge will truly help me succeed in the academic in America. After this program, I am confident that I will be fully prepared to go into the master degree in computer science. From EAP 405 (English Grammar course), I have learned some basic english grammar structures and how to use it. It is important for writing an essay with proper grammar, since the essay is used to convey idea and using correct grammar can enhance the quality of communication. From EAP 508 (research-base study), I have learned the basic of doing research study, which requires student to research lots of paper, synthesize the findings, and express it in the paper and presentation. This is very helpful for my future study since I will do lots of research for my thesis. From INYO 504 (university culture), I have learned the importance of engaging in the unviersity culture. Our mental well-being is as important as the coursework, so we need to maintain a healthy routine throughout the university. From CS 530 (fundamental methamatic for computer science), I have learned the fundamental math that will be used in the CS field. Math is very important for Computer Science, since Computer Science is all about using computer to calculate mathematic formula and applying it to real world. This course strengthen my ability in math, which helps my future study in computer science. From CS 531 (computer system and system programming), I have learned the basic command of LINUX system that will be used in Computer Science, and it is important to know this basic command because it will certainly be used in many scenario.

To sum up, this is a great program that allows student to enhance their English, know how to do research, and acquire knowledge in their major. Although the location of this university is quite far from the central area of Washington D.C., I really like the environment here, very quiet and eco-friendly. I recommend student who want to enhance their Englsih attend this program.